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Here is a running list of what creative endeavors I am currently pursuing! This will be frequently updated, so check back soon for more exciting projects!

New york showcase

New York Headshots Poster 2022 2 sml.jpg
New York Headshots Poster 2022 3 sml.jpg
New York Headshots Poster 2022 1 sml.jpg

March 7th, 2022, I will be performing in a Showcase at Theatre Row Studios in New York City! I am so excited to share my work with anyone willing to see it, and I am blessed to be performing onstage with this insanely talented cast! Many thanks to all those involved, especially Rachel Hoffman, Bill Jenkins, Dee Dee Batteast, Kathy Logelin, and Peter Zapp. I would not be so lucky to be performing in NYC if it weren't for their endless support and encouragement

For more info click here


After asking my small following for suggestions on where to find a T4T* dating app, I realized that one did not even exist. I've had many problems on dating apps encountering transphobes as well as people who fetishize my transness. When speaking with other trans people, these problems don't occur nearly as frequently.


Once I had received a general response that such an app didn't exist, or, if it did, it was poorly run/flooded by transphobes, I was left feeling disappointed and wanting more. That's when Corynne Moody, my dear friend, and a coder, reached out to me with the idea: let's make that app exist.

We're still in the very beginning stages of developing the app; we do not have a name or a prototype at the moment, but I have been reaching out to my following of largely trans people for suggestions and ideas for the app.

With my website newly developed, and this app on the horizon, this site seems like the perfect homepage for updates and ideas! Below is a suggestion box linked directly to my email; if you have an idea, no matter HOW small it seems, please leave it in the suggestion box! I will be reading every comment, email, dm, and any message related to this app, as I want it to be as inclusive and accessible as possible!

Here are our priorities in the beginning stages of development:


Corynne and I want this app to be as secure as we can make it! The last thing we want is to create an app that allows transphobes to access the information of a large group of queer and trans people. So security is the biggest priority from the get-go! This also means we will have a verification process so as to make sure chasers (cis people who fetishize transgender people) cannot easily get access to the app. There will be no process to "prove one's transness," but we will have a set of appointed moderators who will check over profiles before they are able to be seen, similar to Grindr's photo verification process, but applied to the whole profile. This also means we will include a report feature so users will be able to report suspicious profiles, harassment, and any other issues that arise among users.


One of the biggest motivations to make this app exist for me is how difficult navigating apps like Tinder and Bumble can be for me as a non-binary person. I hate the limitations set on being viewed exclusively as male or female aligned. Our app will prioritize non-binary people as a separate option from binary identities. This means selecting your sexuality will give you the option to view NB identities as well as those who identify with the binary genders.


Because of the diversity in the community, we don't want anyone to feel excluded by only giving a few identifiers to choose from. While we will give the "standard" identities of straight, gay, lesbian, queer, and ace, among others, we will also give users the option to edit their sexuality to include any terms we may have missed! This will also be applied to gender, so non-binary people who want to also be seen with trans men/women can select this option. We're still playing with this idea to be as inclusive as possible, so please send suggestions if you see something missing or have an idea to add! Pronouns will also be similar to Grindr in the sense that they will be customizable for those who use neopronouns and anything other than she/her, he/him, or they/them.


After receiving a few requests from mostly black trans people in the community, I think it's important for black/indigenous/people of color to see only other black/indigenous/people of color (when they want to)! While I can foresee racists using this feature to exclude BIPOC from their dating pool, I think it's important to prioritize the needs of BIPOC trans people, as they are also rarely centered in the creation of apps like this. I will be reaching out to BIPOC trans creators in the near future to hear feedback on making this app with their needs in mind as much as possible!


While the initial intention was to create a dating app, I've seen many comments from younger trans people expressing difficulty in finding other trans friends in their area. Again, we want this app to be as inclusive as possible, so I've had the idea of creating separate spaces on the app, similar to Bumble. There will be a friends section and a dating section. For those 17 and younger, only the friends' option will be accessible, and those under 18 will only be shown other minors. The dating pool will be open to those 18+, and a separate 18+ friends-only section will exist! This will create a safe space for minors to meet other trans friends as well as a way for those 18+ to use the app for making trans friends and not just dating.


Once again, this app is meant to include all trans people, so we are working our hardest to make this app available to those outside the US as well as those not using IOS to access the app.


We are also thinking of including a feature to hide the app so those who are closeted aren't able to be outed by having the app visible on their desktop. This also means having profiles created with options other than a face picture. While someone might want to prioritize their appearance over their interests, there will be a feature similar to Lex in that your picture doesn't have to be the first thing someone sees on your profile.


We all know how awkward dating apps can be, so we want to include question prompts and interest sections with categories like astrological signs, political leaning, and hobbies so you can match with people based on factors other than appearance! Additionally, we want to include those who identify as polyamorous as able to prioritize that information. This way, monogamous people can find other monogamous people, and poly people can find other poly people. We have lots of other ideas we are currently troubleshooting, such as ways to avoid a paywall, creating an advertisement-free experience, and avoiding servers owned by tech giants such as Apple, Google, and Amazon to be as secure as possible.

If there's something we missed, or you have an idea you have yet to see, please reach out! No idea is bad, and we want to hear from you! 

Future updates will be posted here, so keep an eye on this site for news and alerts related to development!

*For those unaware, T4T is a term in the trans community which means a trans person who prefers to date other trans people.

UPDATE 2.15.22

I am currently looking for trans and gender-nonconforming coders to help me get this project off the ground! Anyone is welcome to submit any credentials or suggestions through the button below!

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